Daftar nama di atas merupakan informasi bagi publik hanya mengenai nama-nama Bakal Calon Pemilihan Umum Kepala Daerah yang menuliskan keterangan jabatan sebagai "Calon Gubernur/Wakil Gubernur/ atau Calon Bupati/Wakil Bupati atau Calon Walikota/Wakil Walikota" pada Formulir LHKPN dan telah diberikan Tanda Terima LHKPN oleh KPK untuk kepentingan Pemilihan Umum Kepala Daerah secara serentak tahun 2017. Daftar nama tersebut di atas tidak dapat dipergunakan oleh Pasangan Bakal Calon dan/atau pihak lain sebagai Tanda Terima LHKPN.

Bagi Bakal Calon yang telah menyerahkan LHKPN dalam rangka Pemilihan Umum Kepala Daerah namun tidak menemukan namanya dalam Daftar tersebut di atas, dapat menghubungi Direktorat Pendaftaran dan Pemeriksaan LHKPN melalui 021. 25578396 atau 021. 25578300 ext. 8840, 7006 dan 8826 atau email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. atau This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Untuk pedoman mengenai Tanda Terima LHKPN lebih lanjut, silahkan mengunduh Surat Edaran Pimpinan KPK Nomor: SE-03/01/06/2015 Tentang Petunjuk Teknis Penyampaian Laporan Harta Kekayaan Dan Penberian Tanda Terima Dalam Proses Pemilihan Gubernur, Bupati dan Walikota

Deputy for Prevention works to formulate and implement policies on the prevention of corruption crime.

Deputy for Prevention has the following functions:
- To formulate the policies on Registration and Investigation of State Officials Wealth Report (LHKPN); Gratuity; Public Education and Service; and Research and Development.
- To implement corruption prevention measures through data collection, registration and examination of State Officials Wealth Report (LHKPN);
- To implement corruption prevention measures by accepting report on and handling gratuity received by civil servants or state officials.
- To implement corruption prevention measures through anticorruption education, corruption crime eradication campaign, and anticorruption campaign;
- To implement corruption prevention measures through analysis and research and development of corruption eradication;
- To coordinate with and supervise corruption crime prevention measures held by public service institutions and other related institutions;
- To carry out administrative activities and maintain resources within the office of Deputy for Prevention;
- To conduct coordination, synchronization, monitoring, evaluation, and working relations maintenance at the subdivisions of State Officials Wealth Report Registration and Investigation, Gratuity, Education and Public Service, as well as Research and Development;
- To implement other tasks given by the Commissioners accordingly.

Deputy for Prevention reports to KPK Commissioners.

In carrying out his tasks and functions, Deputy for Prevention can establish a Working Group comprising employees of one or multiple Directorates, as stipulated by Deputy for Prevention Regulation.

Deputy for Prevention supervises:
1. Directorate of State Officials Wealth Report Registration and Examination (PP LHKPN);
2. Directorate of Gratuity;
3. Directorate of Education and Public Service;
4. Directorate of Research and Development;
5. Secretariat of Deputy for Prevention;

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