Since Indonesia’s democratic transition, the country has taken brave steps toward tackling the corruption, collusion and nepotism that precipitated the 1997 Asian Economic Crisis. Bold prosecutions of elite figures – including ministers, members of the House of Representatives (DPR), governors, regents and mayors, and corporate executives – have helped to signal the arrival of a new era of accountability and usher in powerful economic recovery.

In the 13 years since its creation, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has taken a leading role in the fight against corruption in Indonesia, successfully prosecuting 438 cases[1], resulting in hundreds of years of prison sentences, and successfully returning trillions of rupiah in stolen assets to the state treasury.However, many important challenges remain. Starting in 2015, Indonesian President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo embarked on a bold initiative to cut red tape and accelerate economic growth and infrastructure expansion amid slowing global commodity prices. The administration has worked hard to streamline a complex regulatory environment that when combined with rent-seeking behaviors among government officials, had left private enterprise vulnerable to extortion.

Coupled with these efforts on deregulation are new efforts to maintain a level playing field, in part by introducing corporate legal liability for corruption, to help provide a deterrent effect for unethical business practices. Legal reforms currently underway are working to bring Indonesian domestic law and law enforcement strategies in line with the nation’s international obligations as a signatory of the UN Conventions Against Corruption (UNCAC) and its commitments as a member of the G20. Through this twin-track strategy of reducing the impetus to pay bribes and increasing the consequences for doing so, the government seeks to promote a better business environment, based on fair marketplace competition rather than secret arrangements that promote private gains at the public’s expense.Against this background, the KPK would like to cordially invite you to the 2016 International Business Integrity Conference, to be held at Jakarta’s Grand Sahid Hotel on November 16-17, 2016.

Throughout the two-day conference, the KPK, together with a broad constellation of government ministries, professional associations, private firms and civil society organizations, will explore current trends, challenges and prospects for collective action through a series of key note lectures, panel discussions, and small group discussions.The conference will also feature an “integrity expo”, a curated showcase of cutting-edge government reform, corporate compliance, and anti-corruption programs, as well as a gallery of leading corporate anti-graft initiatives.Registration for the conference is free, and will be available to the public from October 10, 2016 to November 6, 2016 on a first-come, first-serve basis.


This conference aims to achieve the following objectives:    Share knowledge and experiences between regulators, business people and civil society on the prevention of corruption

  • Improve transparency and accountability in corporate governance
  • Strengthen law enforcement in rooting out corruption in the business sector
  • Promote integrity and an anti-corruption culture in the conduct of business
  • Initiate corruption prevention that involves the business sector

Download : SUMMARY IBIC 2016

Day 1 Presentations – 16 November 2016


High-level dialogue Corruption prevention and building an anti-corruption culture in doing business
a. Komitmen Pencegahan Korupsi dan Membangun Budaya Antikorupsi terkait Praktik Bisnis - Ketua KPK
b. The Role of Ombudsman RI and Effort to Improve the Ease of Doing Business in Indonesia - Ombusdman RI
c. Pencegahan Korupsi dan Membangun Budaya Antikorupsi - Komisioner OJK
d. Pencegahan Tindak Pidana Kourpsi dan Peningkatan Integritas Sektor Privat - Bareskrim Polri
e. Komitmen Kejaksaan dalam Pencegahan dan Pemberantasan Korupsi terkait Praktik Bisnis - Jaksa Agung RI
f. Komitmen Pencegahan Korupsi dan Membangun Budaya Antikorupsi terkait Praktik Bisnis - Kemenkeu RI

One-Stop Licensing Offices (PTSP) in strengthening partnerships between government and the private sector
a. PTSP : Antara Kebijakan Makro dan Praktik Kondisional Lapangan - Ombudsman RI
b. Transparansi dalam Layanan Perizinan di PTSP Pusat di BKPM - BKPM
c. Kebijakan Penyelenggaraan PTSP di Daerah - Kementerian Dalam Negeri
d. PTSP untuk Memperkuat Pembangunan Daerah dengan Kerjasama Pemerintah dan Swasta - Bupati Bantaeng
e. PTSP untuk Memperkuat Pembangunan Daerah Kerjasama Pemerintah dan Swasta - Walikota Bogor


Public-private dialogue about corporate integrity Challenges, lessons-learned and good practices
a. Tantangan dan Praktik Baik dalam membangun Integritas Pelayanan Perizinan - BKPM
b. Tantangan dan Praktik Baik dalam membangun Integritas dalam Pelaksanaan Pembangunan Proyek Berdasarkan KSP - Gapeksindo
c. Tantangan Perbaikan Kebijakan Publik dalam Rangka Pencegahan Korupsi dan Penyuapan - Apindo
d. Corporate Integrity Dialogue - GE
e. PPPs Priority Peojects

Corporate Liability
a. Tanggung Jawab Pidana Korporasi - Komisioner KPK
b. Corporate Criminal Liability - Liability of Legal Persons - John Coyne
c. Masa Depan Pemidanaan Korporasi di Indonesia - Agustinus Pohan


Gratuities, facilitation payments, and bribery Evidence of bribery’s impact on business and society
a. Korupsi dan Gratifikasi - Komisioner KPK
b. Gratifikasi, Uang Pelicin dan Suap - ICW
c. Pengendalian Gratifikasi: Menjaga Momentum Transformasi Organisasi DJBC dengan Pondasi Integritas - Kemenkeu RI
d. Corruption It Stops with You - Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Food Security
a. Corruption and Anti Competition in Food Industries - KPPU
b. Championing Indonesia's Food Biodiversity  Products to the Global Market Based on Indigenous Wisdom & Ethical Trade - PT Kampung Kearifan Indonesia
c. Strengthening Business Integrity in Food Sectors through Licensing: Several Dilemmas - LPEM FEB UI
d. Maladministration in Indonesian Food Security Program - Ombudsman RI


The roles of government, business associations and non-government organizations in building an anti-corruption culture
a. Peran Asosiasi Bisnis dalam Pemberantasan Maladministrasi dan Korupsi - Ombudsman RI
b. The Roles of Government, Business Association and Non-Government Organization in Building an Anti-Corruption Culture - Publish What You Pay Indonesia
c. Peran Pelaku Usaha dalam Membangun Budaya Antikorupsi - APHI
d. Gratifikasi dalam Interaksi Industri Farmasi dengan Dokter - IPMG

Community and company roles in preventing corruption in implementation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs
a. Peran Komunitas dalam Pencegahan Korupsi di Perusahaan Pengguna CSR - YKPM Sulsel
b. Sosial Audit - YKPM
c. Make Sustainable Living a Common Place - Unilever
d. CSR and Anti-Corruption: Making the Link More Explicit - BSR
e. Peran Komunitas dan Perusahaan dalam Pencegahan Korupsi melalui CSR


Corruption prevention in the business sector Initiatives and good practices
a. Government-Private Partnership : Anti-Corruption & Anti-Bribery Practice - Chevron
b. Government-Private Partnership : Anti-Corruption & Anti-Bribery Practice - Chevron
c. United Nations Global Compact Indonesia Global Compact Network (IBCN) - Global Compact Network Indonesia
d. Investigating and Prosecuting Transnational Corruption and Bribery - US Department of Justice
e. Pencegahan Korupsi di Sektor Bisnis: Inisiatif, Internasional Best Practise - Kemenkeu RI

Preventing cross-border bribery within the ASEAN Economic Community
a. Komisi Anti Korupsi Timur Leste - KAK Timor-Leste
b. Fighting Corruption in ASEAN - KPK
c. Preventing Cross-Border Bribery in the AEC - Transparency International Indonesia
d. Preventing Cross Border Bribery Within the ASEAN Economic Community - MACC
e. Preventing Cross Border Bribery Within the ASEAN Economic Community - Coyne
e. Intelligence Sharing - Coyne
e. Liability Legal Persons - Coyne
f. Pencegahan Upaya Penyuapan di Lintas Batas Negara - Kemenkeu RI

Day 2 Presentations – 17 November 2016


Sovereignty and natural resource management for prosperity Good practices and collective actions
a. Kemakmuran, Penyelamatan SDA untuk Kesejahteraan Bersama - Kementerian LH dan Kehutanan
b. Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Hulu Migas dengan Akuntabel dan Transparan - SKK Migas
c. Kemakmuran, Penyelamatan SDA untuk Kesejahteraan Bersama - Kementerian ESDM

Tax and Financial Authorities Business integrity from a financial perspective
a. Integritas Bisnis dari Sudut Pandang Keuangan: Perpajakan - Kemenkeu RI
b. Business Integrity from Financial Perspective - Kemenko Perekonomian
c. A brief history of tax transparency - HM Revenue & Customs


Building integrity and corruption prevention in the health sector Current risks and available control systems
a. KPK's Prevention for Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional - KPK
b. A brief history of Tax Transparency - HM Revenue & Customs
c. Initiative of Uncorruptable Dostors - MEZIS
d. Membangun Integritas dan Pencegahan Korupsi di Sektor Kesehatan - Menteri Kesehatan RI
e. Upaya Membantu Pemerintah Menjangkau Masyarakat di Pulau-pulau Terluar - doctorSHARE

Cross-border corruption How to promote international cooperation in tackling transnational crime and illicit financial flows
a. International Cooperation on Combating Corruption - KPK
b. Corruption Enforcement - Australian Federal Police
c. International Corruption - US Department of Justice


Building integrity and anti-corruption commitments among SMEs Challenges and Good Practices
a. Pengusaha Wanita Indonesia dan Komitmen Antikorupsi - IWAPI
b. DUKU Training International Best Practise - Alliance for Integrity
c. Peran LPDB dalam Transparansi Pinjaman Pembiayaan - Kementerian UMKM
d. Solusi Pembiayaan bagi UMKM & Koperasi - Kementerian UMKM
e. Manual Anti Suap untuk UKM - Komite Nasional Kebijakan Governance
f. Pencegahan Korupsi Kementerian Koperasi dan UKM - Kementerian KUKM
g. Strategi Pengawasan Fasilitas Kepabeanan - Kemenkeu RI

Compliance systems in the age of corporate criminal liability
a. Compliance Systems in the Age of Corporate Criminal Liability - Norton Rose Fulbright
b. Solusi Pembiayaan bagi UMKM & Koperasi - Kementerian UMKM
c. Total Compliance Intiative - Total E&P Indonesia
d. Tantangan dan Praktik Kepatuhan Pertamina - Pertamina
e. Prevention is a Big Undertaking - Resource Centre for Corporate Citizenship


Corruption, business and politics Challenges and solutions
a. Corruption, Business and Politics: Challenges and Solutions - GOPAC
b. Korupsi Bisnis dan Politik: tantangan utama dan solusi - Mahkamah Kehormatan DPR RI
c. Ease of Doing Business & Fighting Corruption in Public Services - Australia Indonesia Partnership for Economic Governance
d. Korupsi, Bisnis dan Politik: tantangan utama dan solusi - Kemitraan

Strengthening Integrity and Corruption Prevention in Procurement
a. Pencegahan Korupsi pada Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa Pemerintah - KPK
b. Transformasi Business Alat Kesehatan & Laboratorium di Indonesia - Gakeslab
c. e-Katalog
d. Ensuring Development Resources Reach Beneficiaries - World Bank Group
e. Tantangan Penataan dalam Iklim Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah di Indonesia - LKPP


Building Business Integrity ISO 37001 Anti-Bribery Management System for Business _ International Best Practices
a. Anti-Bribery Management System Overview - UNCAC Coalition
b. Corruption Prevention International Best Practise - Australia Indonesia Partnership for Justice
c. Potential Role of ISO 37001 in Private Sector Anti-Corruption Programs - CIPE

National Single Window (NSW) Current status, challenges and recommendations
a. Peran PP-INSW Sesuai Amanat Perpres 76/2014 dan Paket Kebijakan Ekonomi - INSW
b. Proses Bisnis Kepabeanan dan Pemanfaatan Indonesia National SIngle Window - Kemenkeu RI
c. Maritime Anti-Corruption Network - BSR
d. Penggunaan Identitas Bersama dan Konfirmasi Status Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak dalam Rangka Optimalisasi Peran INSW - Kemenkeu RI
