As a preventive measure to overcome the Covid-19 pandemic, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) sprayed disinfectant on Wednesday and Thursday (18-19/3).

The disinfection is conducted in multiple stages on the Red and White Building, the Anti-Corruption Education Center, the KPK detention center in the Red and White Building, and the KPK detention center in the Guntur Branch.

According to KPK’s Head of the General Affairs Bureau, Yonathan D. Tangdilintin, the disinfection is carried out to kill viruses and bacteria. "This anticipatory step is required to prevent transmission of Covid-19 from KPK employees, detainees, as well as the surrounding environment," Yonathan said.

Yonathan added that the disinfection process was planned to be carried out more quickly noting the fact that most KPK employees are working from home. The officers have been divided into five teams that consist of two people each.

"For every floor, it takes about 30 minutes to disinfect. However, employees can only return to their rooms about two hours after disinfection, "he said.

Today, the spraying of disinfectant is focused on the Red and White Building, the KPK detention center, and the Anti-Corruption Education Center. Meanwhile, the disinfection at the KPK detention center in the Guntur Branch will be carried out on Thursday (19/3).

